Aide et support pour un compte IBKR ( perso ou pro )

Interactive Brokers est un des meilleurs courtiers au monde mais le service clientèle est surtout Anglais ainsi que sa documentation officielle.

Il arrive que vous ne sachiez pas comment remplir tel ou tel document demandé par IBKR, comment avoir accès à certains produits financiers, ou tout simplement comment créer et configurer un nouveau compte IBKR personnel ou pour une personne morale.

Nous vous proposons un service personnalisé d’assistance, par téléphone, email et whatsapp, pour tout client d’IBRK, que le compte soit personnel ou professionnel, cette aide peut couvrir toute question, problématique, interrogation et peut concerner tout sujet, y compris :

  • Comment créer un compte IBKR ?
  • Comment acheter des actions avec IBKR ?
  • Quelle est la fiscalité d’un dividende ou d’un intérêt ou de tout revenu encaissé sur votre compte IBKR
  • Comment remplir le formulaire W-8BEN ou W-8BEN-E ou les questions d’IBKR par rapport aux formulaire MIFID
  • Est-ce que ma société est soumise au règlement MIFIR ?
  • Comment remplir le formulaire SFTR demandé par IBKR
  • Quelles sont les taux de retenue à la source pour les dividendes Français, Américains, Suédois, Italiens … chez IBKR
  • Comment acheter des obligations sur IBKR
  • Comment est calculé le prix d’une obligation, qu’est ce qu’un coupon couru, le nominal d’une obligation, son rendement ?
  • Comment acheter un ETF Américain qui n’a pas de KID ?
  • Est-ce que ma société est active ou passive ?
  • ….

Exemple de questions :

1 – Which of the following is a risk associated with volatility-related Exchange-Traded Products (ETPs)?
1 – An ETP may not be benchmarked to the index it appears to track.
2 – Volatility based ETPs are volatile in themselves and are not intended for long term investment.
3 – ETPs that track the VIX usually reference the future, creating tracking error and potential price distortions.
4- Tout ce qui est indiqué ci-dessus.
5 – Je ne sais pas.

2 – Which of the following is a risk associated with warrants?
1 – There is no capital guarantee, and a total loss of invested capital is possible.
2 – Investors bear the risk of the issuer.
3 -Changes in implied volatility may cause you to lose money even if the price of the underlying remains unchanged.
4 – Tout ce qui est indiqué ci-dessus.
5 – Je ne sais pas.

3 – Which of the following is true for Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs)?
1 – ETNs are unsecured debt instruments and do not represent an interest in an underlying pool of assets.
2 – ETNs pay interest like traditional debit instruments.
3 – The ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (symbol: UVXY) is one example of a widely traded ETN.
4 – Je ne sais pas.

4 – Parmi les options suivantes laquelle n’est PAS un caractéristiques des warrants ?
1 – A warrant confers the right to buy (call-warrant) or sell (put-warrant) a specific quantity of a specific underlying instrument at a specific price over a specific period.
2 – Most listed warrants are physically settled, which means you can exercise the warrant to obtain the underlying physical share.
3 – Warrants may be traded on the stock exchange or over the counter.
4 – Je ne sais pas.

5 – Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of discount certificates?
1 – The maximum payback on a discount certificate is limited to a predetermined amount (cap).
2 – Discount certificates normally have a term to maturity of one to three years.
3 – Discount certificates make it possible to buy an underlying instrument for less than its current market price.
4 – The certificate returns the original investment if the price of the underlying instrument is above the cap on the maturity date.
5 – Je ne sais pas.

6 – Assume a warrant on ABC share. The warrant has a strike of EUR 40.00 and an exercise ratio of 0.1. The share is trading at EUR 45.00 and the warrant at EUR 0.70. The current leverage is 6.4 (the price of the share times ratio divided by the price of the warrant). If the share price were to decrease to EUR 41.00 while time value remains constant, which of the following statements is true?
1 – The warrant’s price would increase, and its leverage would decrease.
2 – The warrant’s price would increase, and its leverage would increase.
3 – The warrant’s price would decrease and its leverage would decrease.
4 – The warrant’s price would decrease and its leverage would increase.

7 – Assume a warrant on ABC share has a strike of EUR 40.00 and an exercise ratio of 0.1. The share is trading at EUR 45.00 and the warrant at EUR 0.70, resulting in a leverage of 6.4. If the share price were to increase to EUR 50.00 while the time value of the warrant remained constant, which of the following statements is true?
1 – The warrant’s price would increase, and its leverage would decrease.
2 – The warrant’s price would increase, and its leverage would increase.
3 – The warrant’s price would decrease and its leverage would decrease.
4 – The warrant’s price would decrease and its leverage would increase.

8 – How do warrants react to the stable underlying prices?

1 – The value of the warrant tends to decrease due to the falling time value.
2 – The value of the call warrant rises and the value of a put warrant falls disproportionately.
3 – The value of the call warrant falls and the value of a put warrant rises disproportionately.
4 – Je ne sais pas.

9 – Knock-out warrants (turbos), like vanilla warrants, derive their value from the difference between the price of the underlying and the strike. They differ significantly however from vanilla warrants in many important respects, except for:
1 – Changes in implied volatility have little or no impact on knock-out products.
2 – They have little or no time value, which makes the instrument ‘cheaper’.
3 – They can expire (knock-out) prematurely if the price of the underlying instrument touches or falls below (in the case of knock-out calls) or exceeds (in the case of knockout puts) a predetermined barrier-level.
4 – If the knock-out warrant has an expiration date, interest is not included in the premium.
5 – Je ne sais pas.

10 – A leveraged ETF aims to provide a 3x multiple of the daily return of the underlying index. The underlying index is 100 at the start, rises by 10% (to 110) on the first day and decreases by 10% (to 99) on the second day. The return of the leveraged ETF over the 2-day period (assuming no other expences) is:
1 – Perte de 3 %
2 – Perte de 9 %
3 – Profit de 3 %
4 – Je ne sais pas.

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